Curiosi-Teacup Stickers

From: Jibwa Studio by K8e Orr

Are they haunted? What lurks in there? That one might take you to another dimension! Curiouser and Curiouser. K8E ORR at Jibwa Studio has struck deep into the mind of playfulness and curiosi-tea with these cute and colorful, hand drawn vinyl teacup stickers.


Have your cup of tea with twist of curiosity with these fun illustrated stickers by K8E ORR. These stylized stickers feature decorative teacups with your choice of fun amanita muscaria (also known as Fly Agaric) mushrooms, a cup of ethereal ghos-teas, or dive into the deep with your cup and see what lurks beneath. You can’t go wrong at teatime when you show up sporting your favorite curiosi-tea sticker or all of them.


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